Product releases and update

Here you can find the latest information of the product releases and updates on HeadQ. We update the page as we go on, so you’ll find the most up-to-date information here.

Product releases and updates

26.2.2025: Multi-product block improvements + Custom Design CPQ blocks

With new multi-product block you can list multiple products in smaller space and offer quicker ordering process. Custom design help you to visualize the CPQ blocks and slides to match your page design!

30.1.2025: CPQ Improvements

We are rolling out a huge bunch of improvements to product configurators.

  • Improved Single-Page Configurator: Improved visualization options
  • Cart: Now you can show cart next to single-page configurator
  • Price-block improvements: Soon you can show price breakdown in the Price block
  • Next proposed action: Alternative CTA: Add alternative CTA next to 
  • New Standard Block, Multi-Product Configuration: Configure multiple products within one block. 
We are rolling out these improvements to closed beta -users in the beginning of February. Please reach out to us if you wish to try some before!

28.11.2024: Product Finder (closed beta)
We have rolled out a closed beta version of our Product Finder feature. With Product finder, your customers can easily find the right product that meets their criteria.

Read more about Product Finder

With our Signicat integration we offer our customers the ability to have a strong authentication embedded to checkout flow. Strong authentication follows OpenID Connect (OIDC). 

1.9.2024 Time-based services
Now you can offer a product to be rented for certain time period or an access bought to for certain time period. Product’s now support time range as a quantity, so you can achieve this and much more with this new addition.
Read more 

18.8.2024 Custom styles for commerce components
Now you can add custom CSS for commerce components (checkout, cart, product configurator) and make it look exactly like you want it!

22.6.2024 Bunch of cool stuff
We have an official HubSpot integration available for our users. With HeadQ + HubSpot integration you get your orders, request for quotes and leads directly to your HubSpot CRM. If you use our Product sync too, you can update the line-items too!

Dynamic endings in product configurators allow you to tailor the next step based on the customer’s specific selections or criteria. For instance, if a customer represents a larger company with over 100 employees and you prefer a sales representative to handle these cases, you can set the configurator to offer a “Request for Quote” instead of enabling a direct purchase. This flexibility ensures that the process aligns with your sales strategy and customer segmentation.

20.4.2024 Multi-language support
We just launched multi-language support. You can translate all the product information and product configurator fields, so you can deliver better buying experiences in any market you operate in. We automatically detect the right language from website settings so you don’t need to worry about it.

10.1.2024: Visual CPQ
We’re happy to announce we have released visual product configurator (visual cpq) for all users. You can access the feature by navigating to Products and then the CPQ.

Our Configurator now supports:

  • Visual Configurator (Visual CPQ)
  • Multi-page configurator 
  • One-page configurator

Now you can control the way you show pricing information on configurations:

  • Exact price: will show exact price for the configuration
  • Price range: will show price range for the configuration. Range can be edited with padding (% or amount to the low/high)
  • Visual: visual price bar, giving price estimation in a scale
Users are able to then either checkout or request a quote.
We’re building new product updates page. Please come back later.